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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  February 18, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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san francisco bay on saturday. the coast guard says he and another man were in this 22-foot speed boat when it slammed into a ferry en route from sausalito to san francisco with 500 passengers on board. no injuries on board the ferry. the other man in the boat who the coast guard only identifies as a california man has spoken to investigators. >> he tell us basically what happened. he was not the one driving the boat. the man who passed away was the driver of the vessel. but the friend was able to tell us what he can remember. >> i can't say anything negative, because no one can. >> halshour's good friend says the world has lost a kind and loving family man. the two knew each other professionally as real estate appraisers and were very close. >> a very nice gentleman. a great grandfather. he loved his two sets of twins
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that he had, the grandchildren. >> reporter: in fact, says wrightman, the reason he moved from portland from florida was to be closer to his family. he and his wife were going to visit the bay area again in may, and at what time stay with him. the man who survived that speed boat crash is still in the hospital. investigators say they hope to have this case wrapped up by midweek. live in tiburon, terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. >> okay, thank you, terry. so how did he fall? rescue crews recovered the body of a hiker who died after falling 150 feet down a cliff at alum rock park in san jose. fire investigators say the middle aged man went hiking on saturday, but a search team found his body yesterday afternoon. they had to wait until today, though, to remove it because of the rough terrain. rangers say he was in a dangerous area that was closed to the public and clearly marked for park visitors to stay out of. >> of course follow the signs on the trails. that's high the signs on the trails are there.
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if you don't, then this is what happens. >> now rangers say deadly accidents are rare and preventible if visitors do obey the signs. police are so far treating this as an accident. as this holiday weekend comes to an end, a beautiful shot of the bay bridge tonight adorned with the decorative lights. as of right now, the bay area is dry. but things will be changing. let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri who is tracking some of our much leed needed rain that is heading our way. jeff? >> it's been a real disparity. we did have the cold front pass through today. mainly dry here for most of the bay area earlier today. it did result in some areas of drizzle and also mist right across the peninsula and also for parts of the east bay. that's what we'll continue to find at least for the next hour to two hours. however, yes, we are going to be getting in on more rainfall for tomorrow. as we head into 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning, it will be showery in nature. we're going to save some of the heaviest rainfall for 10:00 in the morning on tuesday. and we mentioned, we desperately
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need the rain. november and december producing nearly 7 inches of rain. so far in february just two days of rain totalling.11. we are way off the mark. we need it. this is much welcomed for the bay area, and i'll have more coming up. >> okay, jeff. and that rain might cause some problems for an east bay family. that family was enjoying the holiday at home when all of the sudden their home was nearly destroyed. initially they thought it was an earthquake. but they soon realized it was a tree. take a look. an old heritage oak slammed into the house around 1:30 this afternoon in diablo, which is an exclusive small town near danville. three of the four family members were home when it happened. >> and i go in the house. the next thing i know this massive explosion. first i thought it was an earthquake thinking it is a earthquake. i think the bay area is probably doomed. and then when the ceiling fell through and a limb fell through, i decided i think it's my oak tree. >> she has a good attitude about it. it's a multimillion-dollar home.
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thankfully no one was injured. at this point it's thought maybe half of the house can be salvaged. for notoriety. new details tonight on what may have motivated adam lanza to gun down 20 children and six adults at the sandy hook elementary school. two reporters said that lanza saw himself as being in competition with anders breivik. breivik carried out the bombing and shooting in norway. most of those victims were school children too. cbs news is reporting that lanza's goal was to kill more people than breivik did. a spokesman is disputing the claims calling them, quote, mere speculation. he says investigators are a long way from determining a motive. it's a case that shook up the petaluma community. and tonight we have more answers. 19-year-old alissa burn of petaluma died of hypothermia.
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but autopsy results reveal she had meth and other psychoactive drugs in her system. she was found dead in south lake tahoe after a new year's eve concert. a utility worker found her body in a snowbank about four days later. investigators think she may have tried to walk three miles in freezing weather from that concert to her hotel in south shore. boot prints also suggested she was disoriented. police are looking for a man who attacked and rained a young woman visiting the uc santa cruz campus. a sketch of the suspect. the victim described him as being muscular and white, in his 30s with dark hair, a full mustache and a goatee. she also said he had a tattoo on his upper right arm and wore a dark blue t-shirt and said he smelled of cigarettes. the 21-year-old victim was treated at hospital for bruising. a shove to the chest ends up with a slap on the wrist. mike montgomery, one of the most legendary basketball coaches in bay area history was reprimanded today by the pac-12 conference and his boss at uc berkeley. but others want cal to suspend him.
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the men's basketball coach, who has been a local fixture for more than 25 years shoved his star player during last night's game in berkeley. alan crabbe was clearly upset after being shoved. after downplaying the incident after the game, montgomery today issued an apology, saying his behavior was inappropriate. and late today, the pac-12 issued an undisclosed reprimand. but it is enough? >> i think that's the challenge of a coach is to keep your calm and act like you would want the players to act. and that's one of the hardest things about coaching. i know that's not something that will ever be okay in the programs that i coach in. and i don't think it's acceptable in division 1 basketball either. i just hope he has learned from it. >> cal's athletic director called the shove unacceptable. state senator leland yi, a cal alum wants the university to suspend montgomery for one game. after six years of drama behind the scenes, san jose rep may be facing its final curtain call. the troop's director says losing
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the company would be a major loss for the local arts scene, and a huge loss for the city's pockets too. nbc bay area's george kiriyama joins us. is there a plan to try to keep it open? >> reporter: this is a plan. here in a few seconds. the san jose rep has been here for about 33 years. they've been able to cover costs by fundraising in addition to selling tickets. but now auditors are telling the rep you've got to do more if you want the stay open. >> i think it would be a huge loss. >> reporter: that's how san jose repertory theater mick nichols feelses if it were all to come to an end. >> it's important for a world class city like san jose to have a nationally renowned world class theater like san jose rep. and to lose that would be a shame. >> reporter: their recent financial audit shows while the san jose rep has made aggressive moves to reduce its costs, there is no assurance that that would be enough, saying, quote, based on these uncertainties, there exists substantial doubt about the theater's ability to continue as a going concern
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beyond august. >> however, in the eyes of the auditor, because that fundraising is not a certainty, there is doubt. >> reporter: if the san jose rep were to shut down, the theater says that would take out $9 million out of the downtown economy and leave a big hole in the arts community. >> you know, the arts are very often really sort of the reflection of a soul of the city. i think it's important to have groups like san jose rep. >> reporter: the rep's year to year fight has been going on for several years. in 2006, the theater almost shut down before the city stepped in and bailed out the rep at the tune of $2 million. an amount the rep will have to pay back over the next 25 years. >> it's really important. >> dan has performed on the san jose rep stage, and has also enjoyed watching shows from the seats. he says losing the rep would be a big blow. >> you take that away and it's another big building. you go there hoping to see some good theater. >> reporter: the san jose rep says it has an action plan to get the auditors off their back, mainly, building up a cash reserve of $200,000 every year. nichols says they will have
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$50,000 in the reserve by the end of the year thanks to foundations and other generous donors. but still, it will be a challenge. >> it's going to be challenging, but that's never stopped us. >> reporter: the rep says they're already making plans for 2014. they are confident they'll be in this one for the long haul. we're live at the rep tonight, george kiriyama, nbc bay area news. >> we wish them luck. a laptop catches fire in the middle of the night. >> if there was a recall on this, why are we finding out after our house almost burned down? >> just ahead, a bay area couple's warning for everyone. plus, it's an investigation into some of the world's most notorious cyberattacks. tonight it is pointing the finger at the chinese army. find out why next. and we go to the desert. some notable news from giants spring training involving matt cain. what today's news means for tim lincecum. back in a moment.
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just in tonight, american intelligence officials think they have tracked down the hackers responsible for a majority of cyberattacks on u.s. corporations and government agencies. and the trail has led them to the chinese army. a security firm report out today says investigators traced cyberattacks to a chinese army facility in shanghai. the firm was not able to place the hackers inside the building, but makes the case there is no other plausible explanation for why so many attacks come out of one small area. "the new york times" contacted the chinese officials at the embassy in washington. they insisted that its government does not engage in computer hacking, and that hacking is illegal. a move over, detroit. here comes the south bay.
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competition is forcing carmakers to look for a high-tech edge to get you behind the wheel. that edge is in our own backyard. the nissan research and development center opened its doors recently in sunnyvale. they're developing and testing some of the latest technology for cars of the future. they think the silicon valley is the exact place to find the right employees, car lovers, who are also techees. . >> silicon valley is the heart of autonomous vehicles. it's the heart of advanced technologies and communications and human machine interface. this is where all the best and brightest people and research institutes are located. >> nissan now. ford opened up a facility in the south bay a few months ago. they say automaker, all automakers will eventually need to have a presence in the bay area. in the future they believe it will be ground zero for the tech and auto world to converge. well, a little antiviral cleanup on his laptop left a concord man in a haze of smoke
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and sparks. that was a year and a half ago. with no satisfaction, he is going public tonight. with his complaints about the laptop and complaints about lack of customer support. nbc bay area's stephanie trong has the story you'll see only on nbc bay area. >> and i'm trying to duck in this cloud that i didn't realize i was breathing. >> reporter: it was 5:00 in the morning. frank says his service dog woke him up. >> she saved my life. >> reporter: he described the thick black smoke coming from the kitchen. >> and that's when i came upon a bouncing demon. >> reporter: that bouncing demon was his hewlett-packard laptop. >> it was shooting out roman candles like little missiles. i mean in the thousands. it was dropping on me. and it left these batteries hanging out of it. >> reporter: he says it was the firefighters on scene who alerted him that he wasn't alone. >> and they both told me about consumer product safety commission recall going on. >> reporter: according to the cpsc, hp was one of three companies using sony's lithium-ion battery packs which
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issued a voluntary recall in 2008, siting an overheating problem that posed a fire and burn hazard. a person is investigating the claim adding sony takes all reports or claims that could impact a potential safety issue very seriously, and this matter is no different. in all, hp has launched several voluntary recalls of its own batteries almost every year between 2005 and 2011 involving more than half a million batteries worldwide. of those, there were 135 reports of overheating. 94 resulted in property damage. and 21 reported injuries, mostly burns. >> this is burning. this was not easy to find. >> reporter: an hp spokesperson says they not only sent recall letters to consumers, but put up these posters in stores announcing a voluntary recall. >> if there was a recall on this, why are we finding out after our house almost burned down? >> reporter: they say they never did get any letter, but did get an in-visit from hp's risk
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management. >> the risk manager guy kind of got upset. >> he wanted to take it say bye-bye, all done. >> they got this letter in 2011, asking them to send the laptop to the hp engineering lab. if they did it within the week, the case would be closed. instead, their insurance company recommended sending the laptop to an independent lab. they found nine of the 12 lithium-ion cells broke free from the battery pack's plastic housing. the report concluded that an empty detached battery cell failed, causing the overheating that ignited the fire. >> they're covering this up. they're not wanting to do the right thing. the right thing costs a lot of money. >> reporter: frank's wife katherine is a gnat. she says her injury is trained in recognizing batteries and how to respond if there is a battery reaction. >> the chemicals are separated by plastic. and if it heats up, the plastic melts and the chemicals mix and it goes off like a roman candle. >> reporter: now as they work with their attorneys, they say the bigger goal is to warn other families. >> you're out of the room, that fire starts, the whole thing
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burns up, they can't trace back where it started and what the root of it was. so i think this is happening a lot more than people have any idea. you just don't have the proof. >> reporter: they add the risk might be small, but the consequences immeasurable. and for the two who fell in love just a few years ago, the thought of what might have been is the driving force to sound an alarm. >> i'm not going to get over this, because it took a long time to find each other. i don't want to lose him. and i sure don't want to lose him like that. >> reporter: stephanie trong, nbc by area news. >> now frank submitted his complaint to the u.s. consumer product safety commission last week. that commission, however, has not returned our calls. as for hp, a spokesperson told us the company cannot disclose specifics of the case, only that it is not a closed case. it also adds that customer safety are its top priorities. here is one of those only in the bay area stories. after several sunset serenades, it was the day the music died, so to speak. ♪
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pretty remarkable. a few weeks ago, marisimo hauled a piano, that piano right this to the half moon bay bluff and played some impromptu concerts. it was magical, and people flocked to listen and play oceanside. but last night he set the piano on fire and played one final concert as it burned. the plan was to play that piano for a month, listening to how the elements of the ocean changed the sound. but the city said he didn't have the proper permits. the artist says he may use the piano's charred remains in a sculpture. >> so artistic of him. >> it sounded beautiful when he was doing it last week. >> very artistic. it's a good thing he burned it now, because the rain coming his way, right? >> exactly. there would have been that much piano playing at least for tomorrow in that forecast. let's get a look at the satellite radar picture. we had cold front move by today. we did have some areas of drizzle across portions of the central bay, and also the north bay. but that's just about it. we're waiting on another round
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of rain to come our way as a ehead throughout tuesday. right now windy, 5 to 10 miles per hour. that is giving us a slight windchill this hour. feels like 39 santa rosa. 43 in livermore, and 47 in san mateo. let's take you out of the live hd sky network camera. there is palo alto looking towards the dunbarton bridge. right over the bay we will encounter areas of drizzle before the heaviest rain moves in. from emeryville, you can see the cloud cover up pretty high, a couple of thousand feet. but it will be lowering for tomorrow as that storm gets closer. so let's get to the latest as we look at the overall atmosphere. last week we had 70s. we had sunshine. we had high pressure in control. the pattern slipped a little bit. it's allowing this area of low pressure to move in. but the problem is it's moving from the north to the south. so it's not going to be a huge drencher for us. it will be mainly cold and showery and keep a chance of thunderstorms in the forecast. however, it's not a big storm system. but any raindrop at this point is a big deal. just because of how much
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rainfall we have not seen in 2013. for tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m., a few areas of showers across the east bay, the south bay and fence la. maybe some isolated pockets of showers up into the north bay. we're going to save some of the heaviest rainfall for 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 in the morning. may have a few embedded thunderstorms lining up in this area of low pressure as it passes by. and overall rainfall totals like like they're going to be about a quarter inch for most of the lower elevations. keep a slight chance of showers in the forecast throughout the afternoon. and with enough uplift in the atmosphere, also the potential here once again of a few stray thunderstorms that may even produce a little bit of hail. for tomorrow we are also expecting any kind of rain for the afternoon hours to turn into snow as low as 2,000 feet. so if you're doing any traveling across the local hilltops, you want to watch out for that. heading up into the sierra, a lot more in the way of snow. on interstate 80 and highway 50 starting at 2,000 feet. 8 to 10 inches expected at the highest levels. for the morning hours, 39 in santa rosa. 40 in livermore and 44 in san
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jose. and take that jacket with you tomorrow. and of course you need the umbrella. daytime highs only in the upper 40s. san francisco 48. 47 in los gatos. 49 in san jose. 49 in livermore. and also 48 in walnut creek with that chance of isolated thunderstorms. as you look at the overall weather pattern for wednesday, we'll get sun in here. but note for the morning time temperature. it will stay a little cloudy off and on throughout friday. and then another weaker systemle for saturday. and overall this week it's going to feel a lot like winter. so from 79 last friday in the south bay to just 49 on tuesday. that's my gift from me to all of you. >> and bring a jacket tomorrow. >> yes. >> exactly. >> thanks, jeff. >> up next, the connection between colin kaepernick and the upcoming oscars. will he be walking the red carpet? stay with us.
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in just a few hours from now, a bail hearing for olympian oscar pistorius. he is accused of shooting his girlfriend to death on valentine's day. >> pistorius just stepped in front of judge in south africa at the aim time a private funeral service will be held for reeva steenkamp, his alleged victim. police say he shot his 29-year-old model girlfriend four times through a bathroom door. her skull was also found to be damaged, and a bloody cricket bat is found. pistorius has not entered a plea in the case, but his family is strongly denying the allegations of murder. a true san francisco original will be remembered tomorrow. funeral services will be held for former 49ers part owner lou spadia. he started working for team when they were founded back in 1946. he worked his way up from equipment manager. the san francisco native died yesterday at the age of 92. and a basketball legend has died. he never played in the nba, but he helped shape it. jerry buss, the owner of the los
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angeles lakers, died today after a battle with cancer. under his ownership, the lakers became a brand name, winning ten championships. jerry buss was 80 years old. we're back in a moment. it takes all kinds of good to make a family.
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at new york life, everything we do is to help you keep good going.
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hi, everybody. scott reiss in the comcast sportsnet newsroom. the giants ramped up workouts in arizona, taking live batting practice for the first time. another sign that the regular season is inching closer and with that come decision, one of which was announced today. ahmed fareed reports from scottsdale. >> reporter: early on monday, i asked matt cain if he deserves to get the on opening day. he told me it's not his call. it's up to bruce bochy. an hour after that bochy did make the call. cain getting the first opening day start of his career, and despite 23 starts against the
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dodgers, his record just 4-8. but he was a perfect 1-0 last year with an e.r.a. under three. i asked matt cain what the title of opening day starter meant to him. >> you know, there is a lot of buildup to it, and a lot going on. sometimes you have to almost think of it as a normal start. but it's not. you're getting the first one. everybody is kind of got the big jitters. you get everything of opening day. but in the long run, it really is another start. you're going out there, you're trying to prepare for it like another start. you know, but you definitely are a little more amped up about it. and, you know, you're going out there to start the first game of the season. it's always a huge honor to be able to have that. >> reporter: this mean tim lincecum's string of opening day starts is snapped at four. he has been the opening day starter since 2009. he threw a side session through 35 pitches, looked pretty good. but definitely got instruction from pitching coach dave righetti. some are wondering if anything
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was wrong with tim lincecum or reason why he wasn't hitting live practice. he is just fine. perhaps the giants are taking a little extra precaution with their two-time cy young award winner. he did not throw off the mound in the off-season. reporting with the giants, ahmed fareed, nbc bay area. colin kaepernick doesn't care much for the media spotlight. best way to avoid it, don't show up. the sacramento bee reports he turned down invitations to the grammys and the oscars. he has apparently been offered a book deal. the qb is doing his off-season training in atlanta, far from the limelight of hollywood. and bay area sports ramping back up on tuesday. sharks and warriors both returning to action. more news after this.
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it could be a bad sense of direction or maybe a late night
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snack that brought out a baby seal to a busy southern california street. the driver called police when she spotted it. it most likely ventured into the city through the dominguez channel. the seal was taken to the rescue center for evaluation. so cute. a lot of people going back to school and work tomorrow. out the door in the morning. what do we have? >> we have sealed the deal on the rainfall. >> nice. >> coming our way. have a little fun at 11:00. a slight chance for thunderstorms tomorrow with the heaviest rain from nine income the morning to about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon. a then we have some very cold weather on the way for wednesday, with temperatures in the 20s and the 30s to start. >> wow. okay. >> thanks a lot. >> we'll see you tomorrow.
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>> jay: hey, kev, good to see you again.
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♪ memories like the corner of my mind misty watercolor memories of the why we -- ♪ [ record scratches ] hey, it's good to have you back on! hear you got a show to do. >> oh, man. >> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- from "the following," kevin bacon, hall of fame basketball player dennis rodman, the music of kevin eubanks and "headlines." and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ]
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: thank you very much! thank you, thank you! welcome to "the tonight show." nice to have you all here. thank you very much! [ cheers and applause ] well, happy -- happy presidents' day, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] now, don't -- don't confuse that with vice presidents' day. that's also known as april fool's day. that's a totally different -- [ audience oohs ] well, let's see what's going on. yesterday, president obama played golf in florida with tiger woods. well, you thought michelle got


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